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Master Spectrum


20th June 2019

An Introduction

We are a real company, with real people!
12th April 2019

Astigmatism Tests

Traditional astigmatism JCC tests combined with various options to assist in poorer BVA's.
17th March 2019

Visual Acuity

Visual acuity measurement forms an integral part of the eye care practitioners assessment.
4th December 2018


Accompanying the free Spectrum HESS Test, the supporting clinical tutorial...
15th November 2018
Featured Video Play Icon

Improve Business

A 60 second sneak peak of three ways to improve care and business...
11th November 2018


The industry standard for diabetic eyecare management just got a whole lot better...
24th October 2018

Contrast sensitivity

A comprehensive clinical tutorial on how to Spectrum Eyecare software for early detection...
24th October 2018


The latest Spectrum eyecare software tutorial features their latest Anisekonia test...
24th October 2018

Foveal Grid

A Spectrum Eyecare software tutorial on how and why a foveal grid assessment is important...
12th August 2018

VA Tests

VA charts have a wide variety of tests including LogMAr tests with multiple notations...
2nd August 2018

Info Center

The Info centre is there to assist you with explaining conditions and disease processes...
1st August 2018

Stereo Acuity

A comprehensive clinical tutorial on how to Spectrum Eyecare software for early detection...
30th July 2018

Clinical Accuracy

We understand how extensively our software is used within the consultation room...
18th July 2018

Fixation targets

The fixation targets and images available to you on Spectrum Eyecare Software...
18th July 2018


Offer your patients excellent post-consultation aftercare service...
9th June 2018

Clarity Showcase

Demonstrate all possible lens options to your patient using the patented ‘CLARITY' dispensing tool.
3rd June 2018

Binocular Tests

With over 20 binocular vision tests to choose, clinical tutorial videos and a team...
3rd June 2018

Brands Option

Product images and brand information can be integrated into the screensaver and other...
11th April 2018


Packed with the traditional balancing tests to the latest in digital standards.
12th March 2018


Impress your patients with personalized displays custom to your practice!
12th March 2018

Auxuliary Tests

Discover more about the supplementary tests and the various options available...
10th July 2010

Colour Deficiency

Impress your patients with another first in Spectrum Eyecare Software.

Leoni Joubert

If you want to make an impression on your patients, Spectrum Eyecare Software will introduce you to the future of eyecare with the most amazing digital solutions for your practice.

Leoni Joubert
Paediatric specialist

Technical Demo